• Posted by : Unknown jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

    J. A. Dennam, an award-winning author and member of Romance Writers of America, resides in a small Kansas town with her husband and four children. Besides her great love for literary arts, her passions include fine art, culinary art and music.

    Storytelling has been a part of her life since childhood, when insomnia forced a young girl of six into counting popcorn on the ceiling in the dead of night. Confessing her problem to her older sister, the two girls decided to tell each other stories to entice sleep; however, the inevitable snore always tore through her sister’s nose before she could utter the words ‘Once Upon A Time.’ 



    Serie Captive

    01 Truth and Humility
    02 Between Faith and Fear
    03 Hell's Hilltop
    2,5 Crystal Mac

    Serie Flesh

    2 Flesh of the Father

    Novelas Independientes

    Sexual Integrity

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