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- C. D. Reiss - Serie Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión
Posted by : Eladio
martes, 1 de noviembre de 2016
- Título Original: Beg.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 01
- Sinopsis:
Jonathan Drazen es un mujeriego conocido y una hermosa pieza de hombre
que no voy a dejar entrar en mi corazón. Nunca. Sí, él es rico,
hermoso, encantador como el infierno, y tiene un ingenio tan agudo como
una navaja de doble filo… pero él ha dejado perfectamente claro que
esto es una follada a corto plazo. Tres noches, máximo, entonces nos
separamos como adultos sexualmente satisfechos. Le creo cuando dice que
no me puede amar. No estoy tratando de enamorarme, tampoco. Nos
acostamos. Ponemos manos a la obra. Nos largamos. Hecho.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 02
- Sinopsis:
Cuando Jonathan se fue, no podía dejar de pensar en él, y lo primero
que hizo cuando regresó fue demandar más de mí. Estoy dispuesta a darle
mis orgasmos y mi tiempo, pero me encuentro dándole pedazos de mi
Mi carrera está en camino, y aunque no puedo escribir ni una cosa,
puedo cantar. Así que voy a la muestra de arte con él, porque su ex
esposa estará allí. Siento esta necesidad de protegerlo de salir
herido, aunque en la cama, su dominación me lleva a mis rodillas.
Este hombre va a romperme en mil pedazos.
- Título Original: Submit.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 03
- Sinopsis:
“Eres mía. Desde el minuto en que te dije que separas las piernas y lo
hiciste, tú eras mía. Cuando te dije que rogaras y lo hiciste, tú eras
mía. Cuando pusiste tus manos detrás de tu espalda sin indicártelo, te
poseía”.“Eres mía. Desde el minuto en que te dije que separas las
piernas y lo hiciste, tú eras mía. Cuando te dije que rogaras y lo
hiciste, tú eras mía. Cuando pusiste tus manos detrás de tu espalda sin
indicártelo, te poseía”.
- Título Original: Jessica Sharon.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 03.5
- Sinopsis:
Songs of Dominance fue lanzado como un experimento. Fueron negociadas
de persona a persona en el grupo de Goodreads, CD Canaries, y en mi
página de Facebook. Pero las historias se han convertido en canónicas,
y las cosas que se revelan aquí que se volverán importantes más
adelante, así que siento que necesitan llegar a un público más amplio.
Por favor, lee esto después de Submit, o vas llevarte grandes spoilers.
Es mejor si se lee antes de Control, pero no es gran cosa si lees
Control primero.
- Título Original: Control.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 04
- Sinopsis:
Lo que estás rompiendo no es alguna pequeña, pareja sin sentido. No
somos una follada casual, y nunca lo fuimos. No desde la primera noche.
No desde la primera vez que puse los ojos en ti. Fuiste hecha para mí.
Lo negué tanto como pude, pero estamos destinados a estar juntos. Tú
eres el mar bajo mi cielo. Estamos atados en el horizonte.
- Título Original: Burn.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 05
- Sinopsis:
Así es como va a ser, diosa. Hasta que no te rindas ante mí totalmente,
no voy a tocarte. Hasta que el mundo sepa que me perteneces, no voy a
besarte. Voy a estar a centímetros de distancia, a tu lado. Voy a
susurrar en tu oído y
poner mi aliento en tu cuello, pero el calor de mi piel no sentirá el
estremecimiento de la tuya hasta que te comprometas a mí por completo y
sin reservas. Poner mi aliento en tu cuello, pero el calor de mi piel
no sentirá el estremecimiento de la tuya hasta que te comprometas a mí
por completo y sin reservas.
- Título Original: Rachel.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 05.5
- Sinopsis:
Una corta canción sobre Rachel
¿La gente como tu alguna vez tiene deseos, Jonathan?
¿Qué significa eso? ¿Gente como yo?
La gente que tiene todo. Hubo alguna vez algo que quisieras, ¿pero que sólo pudieras desear?
- Título original: Resist
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 06
- Sinopsis:
The story of Jonathan Drazen and Monica Faulkner continues.
And it's time Monica stepped up to the plate.
I looked down at him, with his tourmaline eyes and copper hair and believed him despite my better judgment. Then I forgave him despite my misgivings. I loved him just because I did. My heart wasn’t sensible or guarded enough. Not by a sight.
I was a walking raw nerve ending of emotion, as if the years I’d spent away from men and sex had made me more emotional, more vulnerable, more foolish than before. I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling like the victim of a crime of consent.
And it's time Monica stepped up to the plate.
I looked down at him, with his tourmaline eyes and copper hair and believed him despite my better judgment. Then I forgave him despite my misgivings. I loved him just because I did. My heart wasn’t sensible or guarded enough. Not by a sight.
I was a walking raw nerve ending of emotion, as if the years I’d spent away from men and sex had made me more emotional, more vulnerable, more foolish than before. I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling like the victim of a crime of consent.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 07
- Sinopsis:
This is the last book in the series.
Take my hand, my love.
On sinews of air we tread
Aught but distance our guide
With no tempo to our gait
No endpoint drawn
Neither plot nor plan
By the thorns of a compass rose
We bound toward the horizon
Take my hand, my love.
On sinews of air we tread
Aught but distance our guide
With no tempo to our gait
No endpoint drawn
Neither plot nor plan
By the thorns of a compass rose
We bound toward the horizon
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 07.5
- Sinopsis:
Short. Free.
To be read after Sing.
This little short will be sent to the mailing list on 11/15/2013 in gratitude of all my fans have done for me. It will be part of the Coda, which is an epilogue of Jonathan and Monica's story.
I will release it on Amazon for 99c for the sake of convenience. You can wait for Coda, or another mailing, or get the story from a friend. Your call.
I have no release date for Coda.
To be read after Sing.
This little short will be sent to the mailing list on 11/15/2013 in gratitude of all my fans have done for me. It will be part of the Coda, which is an epilogue of Jonathan and Monica's story.
I will release it on Amazon for 99c for the sake of convenience. You can wait for Coda, or another mailing, or get the story from a friend. Your call.
I have no release date for Coda.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 08
- Sinopsis:
You MUST be at least to
the end of Submit in order to start this. This handful of shorts is
meant to be a reader that accompanies the Submission Series. It is four
short stories, as follows….
JESSICA (to read after Submit)
So, what exactly happened on the night of the Eclipse show?
Why did Jonathan change his tune so radically after it.
Find out here, in fine detail.
SHARON (to read after Submit)
We all know Jonathan had a sub up in San Francisco. What was their relationship like, and how did it end?
RACHEL (to read after Burn)
On the day of his engagement party, a young Jonathan in put under hypnosis and remembers things best forgotten.
MONICA (to read after Sing)
After the events of Sing, how did Monica handle her new life, her new definitions of herself, her career and where it fit in with her relationship?
WARNING: Unbelievably hot, rough, sadomasochistic sex that will leave you in a breathless sweat.
JESSICA (to read after Submit)
So, what exactly happened on the night of the Eclipse show?
Why did Jonathan change his tune so radically after it.
Find out here, in fine detail.
SHARON (to read after Submit)
We all know Jonathan had a sub up in San Francisco. What was their relationship like, and how did it end?
RACHEL (to read after Burn)
On the day of his engagement party, a young Jonathan in put under hypnosis and remembers things best forgotten.
MONICA (to read after Sing)
After the events of Sing, how did Monica handle her new life, her new definitions of herself, her career and where it fit in with her relationship?
WARNING: Unbelievably hot, rough, sadomasochistic sex that will leave you in a breathless sweat.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 09
- Sinopsis:
Did you want a pat little
ending about Jonathan and I riding off into the sunset? Did you want
flowers and stars? Man, I wish it was all soft filters and violins. I
wish we could fight about who cleaned the bathroom or who was cooking
dinner. But I knew I was never destined for simple contentment.
I almost committed murder for him. I almost tore us apart to save him. How do you get back on the horse after that? Because, I promise you, nothing is the same. Nothing.
I’ve earned our happily ever after. Now I have to survive it.
I almost committed murder for him. I almost tore us apart to save him. How do you get back on the horse after that? Because, I promise you, nothing is the same. Nothing.
I’ve earned our happily ever after. Now I have to survive it.
- Género: Romántico, Erótico, Adulto.
- Serie: Songs of Submission/ Canciones de Sumisión 10
- Sinopsis:
He was the dream I never knew I had until he claimed me. The kinky billionaire who wanted to give pain as much as I wanted to receive it. He’d marked me as his own and I accepted him. I trust him completely. I swear I do.
But, now things are getting complicated. I have a career, and he has his claim. How far is he going to go to mark me? And am I going to run or stay?
WARNING: This novella has some of Jonathan and Monica’s roughest encounters. That's how they like it!
*This takes place after he reclaims her in the studio, and before the second wedding. If you already love them, they're hotter than ever!
He was the dream I never knew I had until he claimed me. The kinky billionaire who wanted to give pain as much as I wanted to receive it. He’d marked me as his own and I accepted him. I trust him completely. I swear I do.
But, now things are getting complicated. I have a career, and he has his claim. How far is he going to go to mark me? And am I going to run or stay?
WARNING: This novella has some of Jonathan and Monica’s roughest encounters. That's how they like it!
*This takes place after he reclaims her in the studio, and before the second wedding. If you already love them, they're hotter than ever!