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- Cait London - Serie Tallchief
Posted by : Unknown
jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

Género: Romántico, Contemporánea
Serie: Tallchief 01
The Cowboy and the Cradle is the first of five Silhouette Desires in Cait London's Tallchief series. The Tallchiefs are a family of five orphans who raise each other on a ranch high up on Tallchief mountain after their parents are killed in a convenience store robbery. Duncan Tallchief was all of eighteen years old when his parents died, leaving him in charge of four younger siblings. Now grown, Duncan is the only Tallchief still living on the mountain. Like his Sioux ancestors, his tracking abilities have become legendary after he succeeds in saving several missing children. That's why researcher Sybil White has come all the way from Seattle to hire Duncan. She's desperate to find her teenage daughter, Emily, kidnapped by Sybil's ex-husband. Finding Emily is the least of Duncan's problems, though. Despite his vow never to marry again, he finds himself drawn to the complex, wounded woman who has sought his help. But he's a man who can't trust, attracted to a woman who won't.The Tallchiefs are a hit. I only have one complaint: where's the next one! As she's done many times before, Cait London spices a poignant love story with wit and humor! Thank goodness there are four more Tallchiefs to come! When it comes to unique characters and witty repartee, Cait London is at the top! Annette Carney

Género: Romántico, Contemporánea
Serie: Tallchief 02
Callum Tallchielf era un hombre solitario que quería encontrar a la mujer de su vida para convertirla en su esposa... y sólo había un modo de saber quién era.
La leyenda familiar decía que cuando un Tallchief colocara el anillo de la familia en el dedo de la mujer apropiada, habría conseguido encontrar su verdadero amor.
Con el anillo de la leyenda brillando en su dedo, Talia Petrovna podía soñar con casarse con Callum Tallchief, tener hijos suyos y establecerse en Wyoming, arropada por el amor de una familia. ¿Pero, estaba predestinada una mujer como Talia a convertirse en la esposa de Callum?

Título Original: Tallchief's Bride
Género: Romántico, Contemporánea
Serie: Tallchief 03
In Tallchief's Bride, we're treated to the story of the second of the Tallchief brothers. Unlike Duncan Tallchief, hero of The Cowboy And The Cradle, Calum Tallchief is the cool, quiet brother, the man with a head for numbers who kept the family finances in order while the five orphaned Tallchief children struggled to keep their family together. All grown up now, Calum is a corporate problem solver. He's the man desperate CEOs call in when they've got security leaks. And boy does slimeball Roger Olson have troubles. Someone's been sabotaging his company for months. From destroying his computer database to putting itching powder on his personal toilet paper, the saboteur is everywhere, with access to every facet of Roger's company. By masquerading as a frumpy, lumpy personal secretary, Talia Petrovna is determined to drive Roger Olson out of business. And she's enjoying every minute of it. Until that corporate security nerd with the pocket protector starts snooping around. No big deal, though. Talia's sure she's outsmarted better detectives than Mr. Calum Tallchief with her eyes closed. But Talia should have given Calum more credit. Behind the cool, calm exterior, he's every bit the Indian warrior his big brother is. And once he's on the scent, there's no way he'll back down on the hunt. Once he gets close to Talia, though, Calum's not so sure what the hunt is anymore. He couldn't possibly be attracted to someone as wild and willful as this hellion who literally turns his peaceful, orderly world upside down, could he? As with her first book in the Tallchief series, Tallchief's Bride isn't your standard romance. With characters who can scale tall buildings, and speak several languages while mastering the intricacies of corporate structure and even parachute, the Tallchief series is about larger than life characters with larger than life lives.Danielle Steele with an attitude! Cait London is a master of the glitzy-glamour high-stakes corporate world.
And she plays it all for fun! Cait London is the one to read for zany dialog and heroines who can stand toe to toe with her super hero men! Sexy is not the word for these Tallchief men. Mega-sexy might come close! Fun, fun, fun! With a sweet and sexy charmer like Calum Tallchief and a witty firecracker like Talia Petrovna, Tallchief's Bride is impossible to put down!Annette Carney.

Título Original: The Groom Candidate
Género: Romántico, Contemporánea
Serie: Tallchief 04
The Most Satisfied Groom: Birk Tallchief, the most wanted hunk in Wyoming, was very happy with his new wife of convenience.
But the Bride's Still A Virgin: And their wedding night came and went weeks ago!
Thanks to his woman-loving reputation, newlywed Birk Tallchief was still a groom candidate to his sexy new bride. Meaning: until he lived up the title of husband, he wasn't reaping any marital rewards with Lacey MacCandliss Tallchief. Hmm considering he'd married Lacey for her sakeand was craving her like crazywhy was Birk the happiest husband in Amen Flats?
This Tallchief is the stuff that legendsand a Man of the Monthare made of .

Título Original: The Seduction of Fiona Tallchief
Género: Romántico, Contemporánea
Serie: Tallchief 05
A Palladin Man to Marry a Tallchief Woman?
It was unthinkable! The two families were long-burning enemies!
The Palladin: Joel - handsome, wealthy and powerful. A determined man with a passionate plan.
The Tallchief: Fiona - beautiful, headstrong and resistant.
Ever since a young Fiona had run him out of Amen Flats, Wyoming, with her harsh words and broken heart, Joel had watched over the fiery beauty from afar. And now he would go to any length to make her his wife. Problem was, she resisted her attraction to him with all her might. And the seduction of Fiona Tallchief just might lead to the undoing of Joel Palladin! (less)

Título Original: Un hombre y sus secretos/ Rafe Palladin: Man of Secrets
Género: Romántico, Contemporánea
Serie: Tallchief 06
Rafe Palladin y Demi Tallchief Argumento:El más atractivo de los ricos y poderosos quería casarse con Demi Tallchief, una mujer con una situación económica precaria. Pero ella creía que Rafe Palladin pensaba que sería fácil comprarla, y que su plan de cortejarla y hacerla su esposa escondía otra razón. Y aunque Demi soñaba con las noches en brazos de Rafe, sólo aceptaría al magnate si éste admitía sus condiciones... La hermosa e independiente Demi se llevó una sorpresa porque Rafe estaba dispuesto a aceptar lo que le pidiera.

Título Original: Una Mujer Perfecta/ The Perfect Fit
Género: Romántico, Contemporánea
Serie: Tallchief 07
¿Casarse con una Tallchief sólo para complacer a su abuela? ¡Ni hablar! Sobre todo si la mujer en cuestión era Silver Tallchief, que se había instalado en su casa por motivos de trabajo. O al menos eso era lo que alegaba...Silver también iba a tener problemas con Nick, su puntillosa manera de llevar la casa y su despliegue de encanto sexual la volvían loca.Tal vez, la solución fuera celebrar esa boda que tanto agradaría a la abuela y que, al final, Nick acabaría por desear con todo su corazón...

Título Original: Regreso al Hogar/ Tallchief, The Homecoming
Género: Romántico, Contemporánea
Serie: Tallchief 08
Al descubrir su verdadera identidad, Liam se juró a sí mismo reclamar lo que era suyo para él y para su hijo. Pero no necesitaba ayuda de la elegante y refinada Michelle Farrell, una mujer empeñada en descubrir sus misterios mientras intentaba enredarlo en el clan de los Tallchief.
La actitud hosca y cerrada de Liam Tallchief era un reto para Michelle. Aquel hombre necesitaba el calor de una familia cuanto antes. No era fácil de tratar y Michelle no era mujer que soportara órdenes, pero cuando él la besó como si quisiera hacerla suya, ¿por qué sintió ella el deseo de hacer lo mismo?

Título Original: Un jefe muy misterioso/ Tallchief: The Hunter
Género: Romántico, Contemporánea
Serie: Tallchief 09
Adam Tallchief llevaba veinte años obsesionado con Jillian O'Malley, y ahora su primer amor había regresado a la ciudad, pero no precisamente con buenas intenciones... Había vuelto con la misión de vengarle de los Tallchief, y Adam debía desbaratar sus planes. Pero un solo vistazo a su antiguo amor y volvió a renacer todo el deseo del primer día; Adam tenía que luchar contra el impulso irresistible de besar los labios que una vez se habían estremecido junto a los suyos. Su instinto le decía que Jillian estaba destinada a convertirse en su esposa, ahora solo le quedaba convencer a aquella impetuosa mujer de que él no era su enemigo... sino la llave de su felicidad.