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- C. J. Carmichael - Serie Chatsworth
Posted by : Eladio
miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016
- Género: No Romántico, Juvenil.
- Serie: Chatsworth.
- Sinopsis: Will a small-town solution work for a big-city girl? After her son is seriously injured in a car accident, Julie Matthew wants two things: for him to regain his health and for her family to return to normal. What a shock when she learns that Russell, her husband, sees normal as a rut. His solution? To move their family from Vancouver back to the tiny rural town in Saskatchewan where he grew up. It’s for the sake of their child, he claims, and a guilty conscience leads Julie, who loves big cities, to go along with his plan. But once in Chatsworth, she begins to suspect that Russell has his own interests at heart. Especially after she sees him and his former girlfriend together at the school where they’ll both be teaching. And that’s not the only surprise her husband has for her!
- Género: No Romántico, Juvenil.
- Serie: Chatsworth.
- Sinopsis: Nine Months Later... Heather Sweeney has always wanted a baby. Unfortunately, she’s in love with a married man, so her chances don’t look good. Then one lonely night she turns to T.J. Collins, who always seems to be there for her when life is at its lowest. A few weeks later Heather discovers that she’s about to get her greatest wish—but with the wrong man. Heather and T.J. decide to marry, which makes perfect sense. Even if they’re not in love, they’ve known each other forever. But it doesn’t take long before Heather begins to feel as if she’s married a stranger. Somehow—for the baby’s sake—she has to find a way to make her marriage work. Especially once Heather discovers she may have married the right man after all.