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- Barbara Ankrum - Serie Almost Turner
Posted by : Karla J.
martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016
- Título original: Almost Paradise
- Género: Viejo Oeste, Romántico
- Serie: Almost Turner 01
- Sinopsis:
Trying to hire a guide
who will lead her safely through the Wild West and help rescue her
brother, Grace Turner meets surly ex-Texas Ranger Reese Donovan, who
scorns Grace's foolish quest, until he realizes that he would enjoy her

- Género: Viejo Oeste, Romántico
- Serie: Almost Turner 02
- Sinopsis:
Luke Turner never
figured he's end up freezing to death in the middle of a Colorado
snowstorm, handcuffed to a gorgeous pickpocket named Maddy Barnes.
Stranded for the duration in a hostile town, the lawman and the outlaw's
daughter gradually discovered more trouble than they ever bargained
for--and falling in love wasn't making things any easier.