• Posted by : Unknown sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2016

    Título original: Bajo Sospecha

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 01


    Bajo sospecha es el primer libro de Alex Kava. Con él se ha hecho un hueco entre los escritores actuales del género de intriga.
    Con una maestría ejemplar va desgranando una inquietante historia de suspense y embarca a los protagonistas en una escalofriante lucha contra el mal.
    ¿Qué ocurre cuando un asesino en serie es condenado y ejecutado, y meses después comienzan a ocurrir asesinatos que siguen el mismo patrón? El sheriff Nick Morelli no estaba preparado para enfrentarse a un caso así, y pidió ayuda a Maggie O’Dell, la mejor agente de homicidios del FBI. En una carrera contrarreloj, Nick y Maggie tienen que enfrentarse a una horrible verdad: quizá un hombre había sido ejecutado por unos crímenes que no había cometido y andaba suelto un asesino que parecía la encarnación del mal...
    Alex Kava ha creado una novela llena de suspense y un personaje, la agente O’Dell, que no se olvidará fácilmente.

    Título original: Sin Aliento

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 02


    Lo llamaban el Coleccionista, porque seguía el ritual de reunir a sus víctimas antes de deshacerse de ellas de la manera más atroz imaginable. La agente especial de FBI La agente especial del FBI Maggie O´Dell le había seguido la pista durante dos largos años, terminando por fin con aquel juego del gato y el ratón. Pero ahora Albert Stucky se había fugado de la cárcel...y estaba preparando un nuevo juego para Maggie O´Dell.
    Desde que atrapara a Stucky, había estado caminando sobre la cuerda floja, luchando contra sus pesadillas y la culpabilidad por no haber podido salvar a las víctimas. Ahora que Stucky estaba de nuevo en libertad, la habían apartado del caso, pero sabía que era cuestión de tiempo que la volvieran a aceptar...

    Cuando el rastro de víctimas de Stucky comenzó a apuntar cada vez más claramente a Maggie, ésta fue incorporada de nuevo al caso bajo la supervisión del agente especial R. J. Tully. Juntos tendrían que enfrentarse a una carrera contrarreloj para atrapar al asesino, que siempre iba un sangriento paso por delante. Pero Maggie sentía que había llegado al límite. ¿Su deseo de detener a Albert Stucky se había convertido en una cuestión de venganza personal? ¿Había cruzado la línea? Tal vez ése fuera el objetivo de Stucky desde el principio... convertirla en un monstruo.

    Título original: Sin Aliento

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 03


    En una cabaña aislada de Massachusetts, seis jóvenes dispuestos a morir se atrincheran esperando el asalto de agentes del FBI.

    En una zona boscosa de Washington, cerca del monumento a Franklin D. Roosevelt, aparece el cadáver de la hija de un senador.

    Para Maggie O´Dell, agente especial del FBI encargada de la investigación, estos dos casos están lejos de ser rutinarios. Experta en la elaboración de perfiles criminales, Maggie aporta un enfoque psicológico en casos en los que intervienen presuntos asesinos en serie. De ahí que no acabe de entender por qué se le asigna la investigación de dos crímenes sin relación aparente.
    Sin embargo, a medida que Maggie y su compañero, el agente especial R.J. Tully, se sumerjan en la investigación, descubrirán que ambos casos están unidos por un vínculo: el reverendo Joseph Everett, líder carismático de una conocida secta religiosa.
    ¿Es Everett un psicópata que utiliza su influencia para escenificar crímenes horrendos? ¿O es tan sólo la cabeza de turco de un asesino más astuto y retorcido que él?

    Título original: Stroke Of Madness

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 04


    The fourth novel in the Maggie O'Dell series (A Perfect Evil; Split Second; Soul Catcher) features a serial killer with a taste for grisly butchery. At the outset of a long overdue vacation, FBI special agent O'Dell agrees to investigate a simple missing person case for her good friend, psychologist Gwen Patterson. Coincidentally, in the quiet Connecticut small town where Gwen's patient was last seen, a barrel containing a dead body is discovered in an abandoned rock quarry. Maggie offers her services to the local sheriff because she needs to rule out the possibility that the victim is Gwen's patient. Professor Adam Bonzado, a forensic anthropologist and friend of the sheriff, is already at work; a dozen or more 55-gallon barrels have surfaced. As they're pried open, releasing the telltale nauseating stench, an odd assortment of cannibalized victims come to light, including a female breast cancer survivor-her breast implants cut out and removed-and an embalmed corpse, brain missing. Chapters narrated from the point of view of Gwen's missing patient (she's alive but in dire straits) and the paranoid killer alternate with accounts of the tedious work of the coroner and the anthropologist. As Maggie processes the information they provide, she also ministers to elderly but endearing Luc Racine, who lives near the quarry. His Jack Russell terrier keeps bringing him human bones, but since Luc is fighting Alzheimer's he may or may not be a viable witness. Kava's plotting is capable, but there's only a hint of romance and little humor to provide relief from the lashings of gore.

    Título original: A Necessary Evil

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 05


    When a monsignor is found knifed to death in a Nebraska airport restroom, FBI special agent Maggie O'Dell is called in to profile the ritualistic murder of a priest, the latest in a series of killings. Maggie soon discovers a disturbing Internet game that's popular among victims of abuse by Catholic priests. With this first real lead in the investigation, she wonders if the group has turned cyberspace justice into reality. Then Maggie gets a second lead--one that leaves her stunned. For the past four years she has been obsessed with finding Father Michael Keller, whose brutal acts against children continue to haunt her. Now, it seems, "he" has become a target. When Keller offers to help Maggie solve the ritual killings in exchange for protection, she decides to ally herself with the elusive child killer, stepping into a world of malevolence from which she may not return unscathed. 

    Maggie knows the bargain is a necessary evil...one that may be made in blood...

    Título original: Exposed

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 06


    FBI special agent Maggie O'Dell pursues a vengeful monster and his sadistic assistant who infect innocent people with the deadly Ebola virus in bestseller Kava's most terrifying psychological thriller to date. While investigating a bomb threat in suburban Elk Grove, Va., Maggie and her boss, Assistant Director Cunningham, become exposed to the virus. The pair wind up in the Slammer, an isolation ward within the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases in Fort Detrick, Md. On the outside, Maggie's partner, R.J. Tully, investigates other cases of exposure to the virus, including an entire Chicago hospital. After Maggie's release, a clue Tully uncovers from his past sends him racing to save Maggie from the evil mastermind responsible for the viral threats. Full of authentic details taken from similar real-life crimes, the smart, thrill-a-minute plot builds to a cliffhanger ending that will leave fans eager for the next installment.

    Título original: Black Friday

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 07


    Maggie O'Dell thriller (after Exposed) features a particularly memorable villain, the Project Manager (aka Robert Asante), the third party behind 1995's horrifying Oklahoma City bombing, along with real-life terrorists Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols. Now Asante has directed an attack on Minnesota's Mall of America during Black Friday, the big retailing day after Thanksgiving, that kills 32 people, including two students who were duped into carrying devices that they believed would just create an electronic blackout. FBI profiler O'Dell, still recovering from the death of her boss, must work with her new superior, hypercritical Raymond Kunze, as well as her ex-boyfriend, security consultant Nick Morrelli, to prevent a second major terrorist outrage Asante has planned to follow shortly after the first. Kava peppers the breathless action with enough intel to make the premise scarily real.

    Título original: Damaged

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 08


    On Pensacola Beach, the Coast Guard prepares for a Category 5 hurricane that has entered the Gulf of Mexico. When the air crew patrols the waterways, they spot a huge fishing cooler about a mile offshore. Drug traffickers have been known to dump coolers with smuggled product to avoid detection and pay fishermen to retrieve them. But when the crew open this cooler, they’re shocked by what they find: body parts tightly wrapped in plastic. 
    Though she is putting herself in the projected path of the hurricane, Special Agent Maggie O’Dell is sent to investigate. Eventually, she’s able to trace the torso in the cooler back to a man who mysteriously disappeared weeks earlier after a hurricane hit Port St. Lucie, Florida. Only Port St. Lucie is on the Atlantic side. How did his body end up six hundred miles away in the Gulf of Mexico? 
    Cliffhanger chapters, behind-the-scenes forensic details, colorful characters, and satisfying twists have become the trademarks of Kava’s psychological thrillers. In Damaged, she ratchets up the suspense a notch by sending Maggie into the eye of an impending monster hurricane to track down a killer.

    Título original: Hotwire

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 09


    In author Alex Kava’s new thriller, Special Agent Maggie O’Dell investigates the death of three teenagers, only to find herself in the middle of a conspiracy involving biological warfare. On a crisp fall evening in western Nebraska, what started as a group of kids filming their drug-fueled party ends in an explosive light show, leaving the victims apparently electrocuted, with odd scorch marks being the only evidence. While Maggie tries to make sense of the dif­ferent stories, sifting through what is real and what is hallu­cination, she realizes that the surviving teens are being targeted and systematically eliminated. Meanwhile on the East Coast, Maggie’s FBI partner, R.J. Tully, and Army colonel Benjamin Platt are at the scene of a deadly outbreak, desperate to identify the pathogen that has infected children at a Virginia elementary school. Despite the miles that separate them, the two cases collide as Maggie, Tully, and Platt uncover secrets that were meant to stay hidden in the remote Midwest landscape.

    Título original: Hotwire

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 10


    "New York Times" bestselling author Alex Kava returns in a blaze of glory with a gripping, action-packed thriller featuring special agent Maggie O'Dell, who is leading the search for a serial arsonist whose crimes threaten Maggie dangerously close to home.
    When a building bursts into flames on a cold winter night in D.C., investigators see a resemblance to a string of recent fires in the area. There is one difference, however: This one has a human casualty. The local team insists they're looking for a young white male, suffering from an uncontrollable impulse to act out his anger or sexual aggression. But when special agent Maggie O'Dell is called in, everything she sees leads her to believe that this is the work of a calculating and controlled criminal.
    Jeffery Cole, a reporter looking for his big break, is also at the scene of the crime and decides to make Maggie part of his news piece, digging up aspects of her past that she would rather forget. Maggie's brother Patrick is also back in DC where he is working for a private firefighting company and is frequently called in as these fires continue to light up around the city.
    As the acts of arson become more brazen, Maggie's professional and personal worlds begin to collide dangerously. The killer may be closer than she imagines.

    Título original: Stranded

    Género: Thriller, Suspense, Policial

    Serie: Maggie O'Dell 11


    Tired travelers and weary truckers have stopped at rest areas on the nation's highways for decades to refuel, grab a bite, and maybe get some shut-eye, but one man's rest stop is another's hunting ground. For decades the defenseless, the weary, and the stranded have disappeared along the highways and byways, vanishing without a trace, but these seemingly unconnected incidents are no coincidence, and a madman stalks the freeways.

    When FBI special agent Maggie O'Dell and her partner, Tully, discover the remains of a young woman in a highway ditch, the one clue left behind is a map that will send Maggie and Tully on a frantic hunt crisscrossing the country to stop a madman before he kills again.

    As the body count rises and Maggie races against the clock to unmask the monster who's terrorizing the nation's highways, she turns to a former foe for help since he seems to know just what the killer's next move will be. As she gets closer to finding the killer, it becomes eerily clear that Maggie is the ultimate target.

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