• Posted by : Astrid jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

    Título Original: Fonseca's Fury 

    Género: Erótica, Romántico

    Serie: Billionaire Brothers 01


    The last time Luca Fonseca saw Serena DePiero, he ended up in a jail cell. The Brazilian billionaire has since clawed back his reputation, but he's never forgotten her. So when Luca discovers Serena's working for his charity, his anger reignites!

    Serena has changed. Finally in control of her life, she refuses to let Luca intimidate her. She'll deal with whatever her new boss throws at her—from a rain-forest trek to the social jungle of Rio! But she can't handle the passion that flares hotter than Luca's fury.

    Especially when it threatens to consume them both!

    Título Original: The Bride Fonseca Needs

    Género: Erótica, Romántico

    Serie: Billionaire Brothers 02


    "Everyone has a price…I've just told you mine. Name yours." 

    Secretary Darcy Lennox knows how demanding her billionaire boss, Maximiliano Fonseca Roselli, can be. His fierce ambition is legendary. But marrying him to secure the deal of the century is beyond the call of duty! 

    Except Max is not a man to say no to. He's undaunted by Darcy's reluctance to enter a fake marriage. In his world, everyone has a price, and he will entice Darcy to reveal hers. But after only one searing—and very public—kiss he realizes the stakes are far higher than either of them imagined…

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